1 Alcohol Promille
Although there is no one universally accepted standard for what is considered a “safe” level of drinking, the metric used to measure the amount of alcohol in a person’s bloodstream is called blood alcohol concentration, or bac. 1 a person’s liver can process about one standard drink an hour. 1 according to the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc), a standard drink contains 0. 6 ounces of pure alcohol. generally, this can be found in:2 1. 12 ounces of beer, or one bottle at 5% alcohol Sep 12, 2013 · 0. 1% promille alcohol limit. there was a proposal earlier this year to reduce the 0. 5% promille alcohol limit to 0. 1% promille alcohol limit from 1st jan 2014 for all drivers.. so far as i know (from googling) this was changed so only new drivers will have this limit. it does not seem to be well publicised so many people think it is still 1 alcohol promille for all drivers. Explore More Many people think that they can still drive after a glass of wine or two bottles of beer...